Presentation of the DR Pool Memorial Trophy to the Minnedosa United Church AOTS Men.
On a beautiful Wednesday afternoon, June 3, 2009, Harvey Douglas , Western v.p. on behalf of the National AOTS Executive presented the D.R.Pool Memorial Trophy to the Minnedosa United Church Men's Club. This trophy is presented every two years at the National Bi-Annual conference to the most deserving A.O.T.S club from across Canada who has supported and helped the "Kids to camp program". The Minnedosa men have been very faithful in supporting the United Church Spirit Lake Camp program over the past 20 years with donations for all kinds of items and campership donations.
The presentation was made at the annual June wind up meeting of the club, which always includes the wives of the members and spouses of deceased members. Nine of the members were present to receive the trophy, four other members were absent. Harvey thanked the members for there continued support of the Youth Programs of AOTS and wished them well in the future.
It is worth mentioning that this club is nearing its 50th anniversary. Well done good and faithful servants.